The user can log in to FTP-Stream using Windows Azure Active Directory Federation Service.

  1. Log in to Windows Azure with your credentials 
  2. Select the Active Directory option from the list and click on the arrow next to directory where your users are saved.

  3. Go on Applications tab and click on the Add button from the bottom menu to add an application my organisation is developing

  4. Type in your application details on the Add Application form (Name and Type) 

  5. Click on the arrow to proceed to the next step and provide app properties (your Sign-on URL is the same as App ID URL)

  6. Click on the tick at the bottom right to complete the app configuration
  7. When you added your application, go to the Configure tab that displays your app's configuration properties

  8. Go to the Keys section and select the duration of your keys. Click on the Save button at the bottom.

  9. When the key value is displayed, save the key and click on the View endpoints button from the bottom menu. 
  10. Copy the link from the Federation Metadata Document section on the Add Endpoints dialog box. 

  11. Send the copied link to Maytech Service Desk. We'll send you our link with metadata.
  12. Click on the Manage Manifest button from the bottom menu and select the Download manifest option 
  13. Once downloaded, you need to edit the manifest (insert the link shared by Maytech to "samlMetadataUrl" field instead of the "null" value) and upload the edited version to Azure.  

  14. Log in to your FTP-Stream account using Windows Azure credentials.