Widgets are snippets of HTML that you can embed in any page on your website to provide access to your FTP-Stream site. Click on Add New Widget and use the wizard to generate a Widget.

Step 1 Transfer Direction - Select the transfer capabilities of the Widget: upload, download or both directions.

Step 2 Type -This widget is embedded in your web page or is a button linking to a popp.

Step 3 Login - Choose from:

  • The Widget is 'Public'.
  • User must login with a username and password.
  • Widget automatically logs in as... (choose one of your existing logins).

If set to public anybody can download from your folder /_public_downloads or can upload to /_public_uploads.

 Widget Code and Integration

Click on Show to display the code for a Widget. Paste the HTML into any page on your website.

Code in green may be edited. For popup Widgets you can change the style of the button or link to an image file. For embedded Widgets you can change the size and CSS paramaters of the Widget container.