Contact Management
Pro-users can see emails of all file sharing participants with assigned groups.
Associate users cannot view or share to the outside world that's why the Contacts tab displays only Pro-users in the list.
Either pro-, or associate users can request files or PGP keys, and share files on this tab.
Users of your custom classes can view and perform actions according to adjusted permissions.
To request files you need to choose the user/s or contact/s by ticking the check box next to them and selecting an appropriate option from the top or right-click menu.
You can also control whether your contact or user will be forced to log in/register prior to responding to your file request. Learn more how to request files here.
To request PGP keys select the user or contact and click on the Request PGP keys button from the top or right-click menu that automatically sends an email to your recipients where they can generate the paraphrase to PGP keys.
After clicking on the Share files icon you are automatically directed to the Share Files tab where you can easily send files with your preferred security options.
Adding a contact
You can easily add your contact by clicking on the Add contact button from the top menu. Then you need to specify your contact's name and email, select an appropriate group and click on the Save button. 
This form allows you to send a PGP key generation request by clicking an appropriate check box and write some notes related to your contact.
Contacts are grouped into two categories:
- My contacts - your personal contacts that are only visible to you.
- Site contacts are created and managed by the account owner or administrator and contain a global contact list which is available to all Pro users.
If you shared files with the recipient that is new in the account, the email will be automatically added to the list as My contact.
Editing a contact 
If you wish to edit a contact, select the check box next to the required contact and click on the Edit button which opens the Edit contact dialog box where you can make all necessary changes.
Deleting a contact
Only My contacts can be deleted by clicking on the Delete icon. You cannot restore the deletion of your contact. Site contacts can be deleted only by administrators.
Filtering your contacts
All your added contacts can be filtered by the name, email, notes, contact group or PGP key.

The administrators can filter contacts by contact group or user class. Tick the check box next to the required one/ones and the list will display your desired contacts.
The table with contact list can be adjusted to your needs- just click on the gear icon and tick the columns you would like to view in the table.

Contact's Home page
As contacts are not licensed in Quatrix, they cannot log in to Quatrix and share files with other account participants. But they can only get shares and file sharing requests from Quatrix users. In order to make one repository of files and file requests for contacts we released Contact's Home Page. This page displays the Inbox tab with files and file requests from users. To log in to this page the contact should follow the link from the file sharing email and register at first. Having logged in the contact can download or return files.

If the contact receives shares from several Quatrix accounts, there will be different Contact's Home pages displaying shares and file requests of each account separately. The contact can log in to these pages with the same password.